Here is a notice from MassDOT and the Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs about a Site Walk and Scoping Meeting for the Allston I-90 Interchange Project on Thursday, November 20, 2014.
Traffic Congestion on Mount Auburn Street at Fresh Pond Parkway
If you have felt that congestion on Mount Auburn crossing Fresh Pond Parkway has been especially bad over the past few weeks, you are right. Hopefully, this week, things are better and things will improve a bit further by the end of the month for reasons I’ll list in this post. Meanwhile we continue to push for permanent improvements to this intersection.
Rt 2 Exit to 128 (95) – can we keep it?
Rich Carlson reports favorably about the diversion of traffic westbound on Route 2 from the Haden Avenue on-ramp, which is temporarily utilizing the breakdown lane for traffic headed northbound on I-95–and wishes the diversion could be made permanent .
NMA E-Newsletter: #304: Wiping Out While Riding the Wave of “Smart Growth”
Rich Carlson posts this caveat about “smart growth”, road design, and unanticipated issues for auto and bicycle commuters in Long Beach, California as a warning about potential problems in the new Trapelo Road roadway design.
Update on Logan Runway Use Plan Test and Airplane Noise
Belmont’s representative to the Logan Community Advisory Committee (CAC) provides this update about airplane noise in Belmont, actions being taken by our elected representatives to address the problem, and the need for Belmont residents affected by airplane noise to continue to report the issues they are experiencing.
Please be skeptical of education “reformers”
David Chase urges that readers cast a skeptical eye on this set of proposals for improving what David calls “our actually-not-that-bad educational system”.