Senator Brownsberger: the MBTA suffered huge delays across all service platforms in both recent storms. I would suggest you and transportation committee members to take a T ride for each line (Green/Red/Silver/Orange/Blue) to gain first-hand experiences. Most commuters cannot afford wasting hours of their life each day on an outdated transportation system.
Auto recalls that we have to find out about ourselves
I’m amazed that used-car dealers aren’t required to repair safety recalls before selling vehicles, or disclose the recalls to customers when the cars are purchased. If there’s something that can be done at the state level about this life-threatening issue, please look into it.
Phoenix RNAV issues in the News
Belmont’s representative to the Logan Community Advisory Committee (CAC) reports on a recent implementation of a RNAV flight path system in Phoenix that has caused noise problems similar to those now occurring at Logan International Airport.
Unisex bathrooms-Safety for children
Please support HD 545. We should not allow young teenage boys, who simply believe they are girls, to use the girls room, play and compete on girls sports teams-as girls-and to use the girls locker room.It is not fair and it is not safe.
Blizzard News
As a legislator, I receive updates from the Department of Public Safety. These updates detail weather events and emergency response actions across the state. I’ve posted them here as they come in. Some are pasted in and some are just posted as links.
The New Jim Crow
As Senate Chair of the state legislature’s Judiciary Committee, it is my top personal priority to lighten the footprint of the criminal justice system on communities of color. Even in Massachusetts, where I believe that most police leaders take an enlightened approach to community policing — certainly, our own police chief and District Attorney Ryan do — the New Jim Crow is a real problem.