To run Greater Boston, we need trains and buses that run reliably. To get there, we are going to have to make some hard choices. Given limited resources and more or less fixed costs, we need to do a better job setting priorities within our transportation budget.
Commonwealth Conversations Metro Boston tour and public meeting locations announced for March 4
Senate President Rosenberg has created the Commonwealth Conversations — a series of meetings across the state to get a sense of what’s most important for us to address in this legislative session. These meetings have been well attended by members of the State Senate. Here is information about two public meetings in Boston on Wednesday, March 4. I hope you can attend and directly make your concerns known to us.
MBTA Service Updates
Please be aware that until subway train service is normal, bus service will is likely to be subnormal. In general, the T’s entire fleet of buses is in use at rush hour. To the extent that buses are diverted to cover train service, bus routes will see less frequent service.
Transparency on the Olympics Bid
Representatives Mike Moran and Aaron Michlewitz have filed legislation that would create a state level commission to oversee the Olympics bid process. I am very open to the idea of an Olympics in Boston; I think their initiative is timely and helpful and I have signed on as a cosponsor.
Storm Updates from Department of Public Safety
Here is the update issued this afternoon (Monday, February 9), titled Situational Awareness Statement #9 – Long Duration Winter Storm with Moderate to Heavy Snow through Late Monday Night. It has updates from the Department of Public Safety, MEMA, MassDOT, and other state agencies.
Animal protection bills co-sponsored by Senator Brownsberger this session
Animal protection is an important issue for Senator Brownsberger and for the 2015-2016 legislative session he has signed on as a co-sponsor to the 11 bills listed in this post.