Child Support Reform

Senator Brownsberger, I am writing to encourage your support of legislation that assumes 50/50 child custody and support, regardless of parental gender, in all cases unless abuse or neglect can be proven. This is not a woman’s issue or a man’s issue, this is a parental issue that needs to be addressed immediately to ensure our courts are working in a family’s best interest

Senate Passes Extension of Net Metering

Yesterday the Senate passed a climate adaptation planning bill, including an amendment to extend solar net metering for investor owned utilities. The Senate was eager to move this issue forward in part because some areas of the state have reached their current cap and solar installations are at risk of losing the federal subsidy which possibly expires at the end of next year. The bill now moves to the House of Representatives, where its prospects are unclear.

AG’s Office offers information sessions on Earned Sick Time

The Attorney General’s website has a page on Earned Sick Time that is a resource for employers and employees to learn about the new law that went into effect on July 1, 2015. The AG is also offering five web-based and three in-person public information sessions about the Earned Sick Time Law. These two-hour sessions, conducted by a staff member, will review the law’s regulations and allow time for questions from attendees. Those interested are asked to RSVP to a session, which are being held during July, August, and September.

Human Trafficking

Senator Brownsberger: as a Massachusetts resident, I am very concerned about people in our Commonwealth who are young, vulnerable, desperate and in danger of being exploited. I support Senate Bill 872, and I urge you to consider it favorably. It will strengthen the anti-human trafficking law by codifying safe houses, john schools, training and data dissemination and public outreach. Thank you.