Belmont Media Center? Office Hours Live for October with Senator Brownsberger and Monica Collins discusses Belmont railroad station repair/closing options, Trapelo Road repavement project, drug screening in schools, and mitigating fines and punishment for certain offenses.
Senate Passes FY15 Close Out Budget
We share this press release from the Senate Committee on Ways and Means on the passage of the supplemental budget to close out Fiscal Year 2015.
The technical fight about ambulance rates
For municipal government buffs and for the record, here is a discussion of a technical issue that we voted on as an amendment to the recent supplementary/deficiency budget. The issue is insurer reimbursements to municipalities for ambulance service.
Transgender Access to Public Accommodations
The legislature will consider this year legislation to complete the work we started a couple of years ago to provide full legal protection to transgender people. The main unfinished business is to prohibit discrimination in access to public accommodations. I view this legislation as simple and necessary and fully support it. I am a cosponsor and I have long been a supporter of this legislation.
Belmont Road Closure – Brighton Street: October 17th and 18th
MassDOT passed along this advisory about the closure of the Brighton Street grade crossing due to construction on the weekend of October 17th and 18th. The crossing will be closed to vehicular traffic for commuter rail track and signal reconstruction from approximately 1 a.m. Saturday, October 17th through 5 a.m. Monday Morning, October 19th.
Later Hours for Bars?
I’ve received questions about Senate 127, An Act Modernizing the Business Licensing Process (and the identical House companion bill, House 161). I was pleased to sponsor this bill for the Mayor, because I think it will help some of the city’s neighborhoods become more vital, while at the same time continuing to allow other neighborhoods to express their preferences for less activity.