MassDOT has provided this updated construction schedule for the work that is currently underway on the Bowker Overpass. The work on the travel lanes has proceeded from west to east. (Note from Will: the phasing for this project is straightforward and, while the schedule has slid a few months, the basic plan has not changed.)
MBTA cancels contracts for Green Line extension
Dear Will, Following our discussion on the Waverley square ABA renovation, here is another news demonstrate the incompetence of DOT and MBAT Thanks god Beverly Scott was fired during last winter fiasco. And a lot more is needed to correct the ship. Voluntary retirement will not work for MBTA. We need to keep firing …
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No Fly List/No Guns
Blue Mass Group is reporting on a bill introduced by Rep. Lori Ehrlich, H. 4331, which would ban sales of guns in the Commonwealth to anyone on the federal No Fly list. I’m interested in Sen. Brownsberger’s position on this. According to the Blue Mass Group report, the bill has numerous co-sponsors, including Rep. David …
SJC upholds time limit expansion in civil sex abuse cases
The Boston Globe reports on the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court’s (SJC) decision to uphold a 2014 law extending the statute of limitations on civil cases of child sexual abuse to 35 years and makes it retroactive. This was legislation that Senator Brownsberger long worked on. You can read the SJC decision here.
Stricter Seat Belt Laws — continued
Thanks to all who have commented on my previous piece on seat belts. I have read all of your comments and am duly informed. On balance, the comments make me less likely to support the legislation. Perhaps the best argument against the proposed new law is that there are a lot of more important laws on the books that we are not enforcing today.
Belmont legislators and stakeholders weigh in on Gov. Baker’s opioid bill
The Belmont Citizen-Herald asked Senator Brownsberger about his stance on “One of the more controversial components of the bill would expand the state’s civil commitment laws by allowing doctors to involuntarily commit drug addicts for up to 72 hours without a court order.” Senator Brownsberger replied, “I am not sure it (the 72-hour hold provision) translates so readily into the opioid context.” And he added, “I am giving it a lot of study over the next few weeks. I am pleased to see the governor has some great people working on this issue.”