The Boston Globe reports on the issue of compassionate release for terminally ill inmates in Massachusetts.
VSIP 2016 vs. ERIP 2015
In light of the recent implementation of VSIP, I looked back at your post on ERIP in 2015. Could you do a post on the effectiveness of ERIP in 2015, how many employees took advantage of the program per agency, and how VSIP 2016 compares? This is very important information for those who may be …
Baker, legislative leaders huddle on criminal justice reform
A recent State House News story reports on comprehensive efforts by state leaders to reform the criminal justice system.
Charter Schools and Education Funding
As a legislator, I was struck by the brass of a recent campaign commercial. As a citizen, I am voting against Question 2, which would lift the cap on charter schools, because I am concerned about its impact on already-strained local school budgets. A Yes vote would create new schools without creating additional resources to pay for them.
Progress on Airplane Noise
Constituents in Belmont and Watertown have been concerned about increased Logan overflights over the past couple of years. I’ve given this issue a lot of attention, but ultimately, it is a federal issue. The FAA and MassPort have entered into an agreement to look at approaches to noise reduction, and the eventual progress may be meaningful.
More on Question Two
Many people were kind enough to weigh-in with feedback on the piece on Question Two that I ran last week and I thought I should follow up with some additional information. I support some charter expansion, but I do believe that Question Two goes too far.