If you live in Boston or commute to Boston, the Comm Ave bridge replacement is likely to be a big deal.
Fiscal Zero Day
It’s June 30th. Why no state budget? What is it going to take? Response from Will, July 1 AM Truth is I don’t know much more than you do, reading the newspapers, about the progress of this conference committee. One thing I do have a little perspective on is the difficulty of the job that …
Sen. Brownsberger Featured in WBUR Article on Marijuana Conference Committee
Senator Brownsberger was recently appointed to the conference committee on recreational marijuana, which is charged with negotiating the differences in legislation passed by the House and Senate. This WBUR article offers an overview of the conference committee process and some of the issues on the table.
Sen. Brownsberger Discusses Supervised Injection Facilities in the Boston Globe
Senator Brownsberger discusses the benefits of Supervised Injection Facilities for opioid users in a Boston Globe article addressing the diverse perspectives MA officials have on the matter.
Sen. Brownsberger Discusses New Funding for Watertown Greenway
In this article, Senator Brownsberger and Representative Jon Hecht address the new funding for Phase II of the Watertown-Cambridge Greenway, including the logistics of construction as well as the proposed route for the Greenway.
Bus service to Boston Landing Station
Loving the new station – service to downtown is so much quicker and will only get better when they add more options to catch the train. My question is about the bus service to the area. The only line that is convenient to the Station is the 64 bus, which does not come by that …