A Bold and Responsible Transportation Plan

The Governor released his transportation plan today.  He held the release in a large hall at UMass Boston and it was packed.   The level of  interest reflects a recognition of the significance of the plan. Secretary of Transportation Richard Davey gave an excellent presentation  of the plan and the Governor followed with a strong speech …

MassDOT Public Meeting November 29 on the Future of Transportation in the Commonwealth

The MassDOT has been holding a series of public meetings throughout the Commonwealth entitled Your Vision, Our Future: A Transportation Conversation. These meetings provide an opportunity for the public to receive information and provide input on the development by MassDOT of a long-term financing plan for the state’s transportation system.  The meeting closest to residents …

Transportation Bond Bill Passes Senate with Funding for Localities

On Thursday, the Senate passed legislation to provide funding to continue current transportation-related projects through Fiscal Year 2013. The Chapter 90 funds appropriated by this bill for local projects, including roadway and bridge  repairs, will support the infrastructure of the Commonwealth’s cities and towns.  This appropriation of $200 million (equivalent to last year’s appropriation) represents …

Regional transportation plans starved, despite stimulus package

Yesterday, I sat in on a meeting where the Boston Metropolitan Planning Organization struggled to define the long-term parameters of a financially realistic Transportation Improvement Plan. Locally, the tight planning environment will likely mean further delay in the Belmont-Trapelo Corridor project (my primary concern in the meeting) and perhaps other projects.