One of the last bills adopted at the end of the 2015-2016 legislative session was H.3072, An Act protecting bicyclists in bicycle lanes, sponsored by Rep. Dave Rogers. When a vehicle is parked in a bike lane it expose cyclists to danger by forcing them to swerve into the flow of traffic, around the obstruction. The …
Rules of the Road
Lower speed limits?
Language that has passed both branches will give local authorities new flexibility to set lower limits.
S.2354– An Act relative to sight-seeing vehicle safety
Following the recent and tragic death of 28-year-old Allison Warmuth, attention has turned toward improving safety in the sight-seeing industry. Senator Brownsberger has filed a bill, S.2354 – An Act relative to sight-seeing vehicle safety, that aims to address these deficiencies and, in the process, make the streets safer. Here’s a breakdown of the two major …
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Bicycle Safety Forum — Take Aways?
Last week we had a great forum on bike safety at Suffolk University. We got a lot of input that we are still digesting. Still thinking about how to put the pieces together and would welcome additional comments.
Senate Passes Hands Free Driving Bill
We share this press release from the Senate President’s office on the Senate’s passage of a Hands Free Driving Bill. The bill now moves on to the House of Representatives.
OK, let’s ban hand-held cell phone use while driving.
I’ve gotten a huge volume of feedback on the legislative proposal to ban hand-held phone use. The feedback I have received has convinced me to support the proposal.