I’m looking for input on e-bike legislation.
Rules of the Road
Hands Free At Last
Under the new law, you can talk to your cell phone, but you cannot touch or even look at it while driving, except in true emergency.
Senate Passes Non-Binary Gender License Option & An Act to Reduce Traffic Fatalities
The Senate passed two bills on April 25. One would allow for an “X” gender designation on state IDs, while the other, sponsored by Senator Brownsberger, includes several road safety measures.
Results of Poll on Bike Safety
Overall, the poll should remind cyclists and cycling advocates that there is a lot of resentment among drivers and pedestrians for lawless behavior by cyclists. Cyclists and planners should take some comfort from the relatively strong support, even among motorists, for bike lanes and other engineering safety measures.
2018 Road Safety Legislation
Cycling and walking are healthy, exhilarating and good for the environment. I will continue to work to protect cyclists and pedestrians, but also to encourage cyclists to ride responsibly.
Senate Passes Bill to Improve Traffic Safety & Protect Vulnerable Road Users
The Massachusetts State Senate voted Thursday, June 28 to pass legislation that aims to create safer streets for all road users.