Will, In yesterday’s Globe, I read that Denise Provost has sponsored a bill to reduce urban speed limits by 5 mph in the state. Here’s the article: http://www.boston.com/yourtown/news/somerville/2010/06/by_danielle_dreilingerglobe_co.html In a collision with a pedestrian, a 5 mph reduction in speed makes a huge difference in the probability of injury. There’s a chart that illustrates this …
Rules of the Road
House passes driving legislation
The House took action today on its own version of a driving safety bill. The House version still needs to be reconciled with the Senate version.
Auto Insurance Surcharges
I am curious as to your thoughts on the way we structure this in MA. I had a minor accident in Somerville in August (I backed into the left front door of a parked car causing scratches and dents). Insurance company first told me it would be $1600 to fix the other car, considered a …
Status of Pending Safe Driving Bills
November 20, 2009 Jason Faller Legislative Intern, Office of Rep. Will Brownsberger
H.3287–Testing Requirements for Elderly Drivers
Hi Will, Do you know the status of this pending bill filed by Senator Brian A. Joyce? Mandatory testing requirements for elderly drivers (age 75 and over) does not seem unreasonable, and could prevent vehicular tragedies from occurring in the future. I‘m curious to hear your position and thoughts regarding this issue.
Registry of Motor Vehicles Reminder Service
The Registrar has come up with a free electronic reminder service to which you can now subscribe if you wish.