Trapelo Corridor Project

It’s lovely that they’re going to renovating it some, but I hope it is well-known that any less than a 5 foot wide bike lane adjacent to 8-foot wide parking stalls does not even meet AASHTO’s inadequate standards. The only place along the proposed reconstruction (working from I think the 75% design documents, as of …

Belmont-Trapelo Corridor Project to Start Soon

An official announcement will be forthcoming, but here is a partial update to cover questions that I have been receiving about the status of the Belmont-Trapelo Corridor project. This project is a Cambridge-to-Waltham reconstruction of the Belmont Street and Trapelo Road corridor. Belmont, Watertown and neighboring communities will benefit greatly from this project. It represents …

Bikepath from Belmont to Alewife Opening

The long awaited direct bike path connection from Belmont (next to where the Fitchburg line crosses Brighton Street — click for map) to Alewife is open! The overall project is in its final phase of construction, with connections to Cambridge Park Drive (previously open as a detour) and into the marsh currently closed. But you …

Bicycle contraflow lanes

Will, I don’t live or ride near the proposed lane on Hemenway Street, but we need more of these. Anywhere that we have low-speed one-way streets whose primary purpose is to prevent excess cut-through traffic, we should allow 2-way traffic for bicycles. Excluding bicycles serve no useful purpose (they’re not very noisy, they’re not very …