Please note: some information in this post has been superseded — click here for latest. Glenn Clancy, Director of the Community Development Department of Belmont recently posted a tentative schedule for the Trapelo Road Rebuild Project. Drainage and subsurface work is in progress now all along the corridor. The actual road work will be done …
accessibility, bike paths, masspike, mbta, ride sharing, rmv, roads and traffic, rules of the road, statewide transportation funding
Advocating for the Green Line
With last night’s Senate action on the Transportation Bond Bill, we passed an important milestone in our efforts to improve the transportation system — roads, bridges and public transit. It is worth recapping where we are, with a particular emphasis on the challenge of improving the Green Line. Representing Back Bay, Fenway and the Longwood …
Belmont Center Reconstruction
The Town of Belmont has been working hard on plans to reconstruct Belmont Center. The town recently applied unsuccessfully for a $1.5 million grant to move the plans forward. The town’s application summarizes the project as follows: A reallocation of space within the existing roadway right of way is proposed to offer adequate space for …
Safe Driving
The “Save Driving” bill would instruct the Registry of Motor Vehicle not to check immigration status as a condition for issuing licenses. I do support the bill and I am, in fact, a co-sponsor of it. It is a controversial concept and I get a lot of email on both sides of it. Most recently, …
Senate Passes Transportation Bond Bill
We share this press release from the Senate President’s Office. ———————————————- FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Senate Passes Transportation Bond Bill BOSTON – The Senate on Thursday passed a bill authorizing $13 billion in capital spending over the next five years to fund improvements to the Commonwealth’s transportation system. “These initiatives will ensure that our transportation system …