Senate Passes Transportation Bond Bill

We share this press release from the Senate President’s Office. ———————————————- FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Senate Passes Transportation Bond Bill BOSTON – The Senate on Thursday passed a bill authorizing $13 billion in capital spending over the next five years to fund improvements to the Commonwealth’s transportation system. “These initiatives will ensure that our transportation system …

MBTA Pension Transparency

Back in 2008, I became aware and concerned that the MBTA Retirement Fund is not subject to the same transparency rules that apply to state agencies. My understanding of this issue has greatly evolved over the past few months: While I have undiminished passion for transparency, I have to admit that the Retirement Fund is …

The condition of our roads

Will, I’ll be blunt. The condition of our roads (all of them, local, state, divided highways, etc) is abysmal. In 30 years of driving in MA, I’ve never seen them at this level of deterioration. So what’s going to be done? All the publicity around transportation funding centers around the MBTA and bike paths. For …