Contract for Fresh Pond and Mount Auburn intersection awarded

The DCR has awarded a contract to develop an approach to improving the system of intersections around Mt. Auburn Street and Fresh Pond Parkway. The accepted proposal conveys a strong understanding of the problems around the intersection and the potential for change. It contemplates an early public meeting and we will make sure that this is publicized broadly when it is scheduled.

A step forward for commuters

On September 8, the state put out to bid a corridor study for Mount Auburn Street. This is the next step towards improving the permanent traffic snarl at the intersection of Mount Auburn Street and Fresh Pond Parkway. The formal study process won’t start for a couple of months. But it’s not too early to start brainstorming in this space — your comments would be much appreciated.

Traffic Congestion on Mount Auburn Street at Fresh Pond Parkway

If you have felt that congestion on Mount Auburn crossing Fresh Pond Parkway has been especially bad over the past few weeks, you are right. Hopefully, this week, things are better and things will improve a bit further by the end of the month for reasons I’ll list in this post. Meanwhile we continue to push for permanent improvements to this intersection.

Letter to Governor Patrick – Mount Auburn Street and Fresh Pond Parkway

Senator Brownsberger and his colleagues representing Watertown, Belmont and Cambridge sent a letter to Governor Deval Patrick, urging him to release funds to study the intersection of Mount Auburn Street and the Fresh Pond Parkway.  This is a major bottleneck for commuters trying to get from Belmont, Watertown and points west to Cambridge, Boston and …

Congestion near Fresh Pond Parkway

The following statement was released jointly by State Senator Will Brownsberger, State Senator Pat Jehlen, Representative Jon Hecht and Representative Dave Rogers. Update 2/11/2016: Contract Awarded If you commute inbound from Belmont, Watertown or West Cambridge, there is one problem you always have to solve — how to get past the congestion on Fresh Pond …