Advocates are concerned that the entire corridor is not being rebuilt under current discussions of the reconstruction of the Allston/Brighton Mass. Pike interchange, leaving the section from Union Square to Harvard Avenue untouched and the intersection with Soldiers Field Road and the River Street Bridge on DCR property in their current dangerous condition.
Cambridge Street and Allston I-90 Interchange
Allston I-90 Viaduct Interchange Improvement Project Letter
Senator Brownsberger joined several of his colleagues in a letter to Secretary Davey, encouraging MassDOT to look at the Allston I-90 Viaduct Interchange Improvement Project with a broad focus. April 23, 2014 Secretary Richard A. Davey Massachusetts Department of Transportation 10 Park Plaza, Suite 4160 Boston, MA 02116 Dear Secretary Davey, We would like to …
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Allston I-90, Massachusetts Turnpike Interchange Improvement Project
Next Thursday, April 10th at 6:30PM will be the first public meeting held by MassDOT to discuss the Allst0n I-90 Massachusetts Turnpike Interchange Improvement Project (#606475) at the Jackson Mann Community Center, 500 Cambridge Street in Allston. This $260 million project to straighten the MassPike will have an indelible impact on the neighborhood. The project …
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I-90 Viaduct Interchange Improvement Project Letter
Senator Brownsberger and his colleagues representing Allston and Brighton, sent a letter urging MassDOT Secretary Richard A. Davey to establish a stakeholder working group for the I-90 Viaduct Interchange Improvement Project. January 9, 2014 Secretary Richard A. Davey Massachusetts Department of Transportation 10 Park Plaza, Suite 4160 Boston, MA 02116 Dear Secretary Davey, The I-90 …
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Cambridge Street Bridge Deck Replacement
MassDOT has released revised plans ahead of next Tuesday’s public meeting for the Cambridge Street bridge deck replacement project. A November 19th meeting drew more than 200 residents, many of whom voiced concern over the original plans. Several community organizations and more than 300 residents sent a letter to MassDOT with recommendations for the project. …