Senate Passes Unemployment Insurance Reform Bill

The Senate on Thursday voted 33-4 to pass legislation that will lower costs for businesses and support the growing economy in the Commonwealth. The bill introduces an updated rating table, puts in place a multi-year rate freeze and expands the seasonal employer exemption.

“This bill will provide financial predictability, reward positive employment histories with lower costs and foster a healthy economy that supports the business community,” Senate President Therese Murray (D-Plymouth) said. “These reforms strike a careful balance between providing businesses with a helping hand without taking that same hand away from the unemployed.

Senate Passes Election Reform Bill

The Senate on Thursday voted 37-1 to pass legislation reforming the election laws in the Commonwealth by authorizing early voting for state and federal elections and primaries, allowing residents to register to vote on Election Day and creating an online voter registration system. The bill also allows 16 and 17-year-olds to preregister to vote.

“This bill will modernize the state’s election system and bring us in line with many other states that have already successfully implemented early voting,” Senate President Therese Murray (D-Plymouth) said. “Supporting the right to vote should be our top priority and these changes are necessary to help us reach that goal.”

Special Committee on Section 35 & Drug Addiction

Senate President Murray announced the creation of a Special Committee on drug addiction issues with a particular focus on “Section 35” which pertains to involuntary commitments of persons with substance abuse issues to treatment.  I look forward to serving on the committee — Massachusetts faces an epidemic of substance abuse  and I’ve long had a …

Much to do in January

As the first leg of the 2013-14 legislative cycle wound down this evening (November 20), we wrapped up time critical legislation, but we left other major legislation until January.  Massachusetts works on a two year legislative cycle, so unfinished business can be deferred without losing any forward progress.  In adjourning the session this evening, the …

Thank You Will, and Welcome Home

We almost lost a talented and dedicated public servant to the wilds of Washington. Although I am personally pleased that Will’s will will continue to be done in the State House, I can also see why moving up the ladder would pay great benefits to all of us. As we speak, the GOP is relentlessly …