Our office received this information from the Health Connector announcing that the deadline for picking a plan and making a premium payment for coverage starting in January 2014 is now Tuesday, December 31, 2013. _______________________________________________________________ We are writing to update you to adjusted deadlines for Health Connector members to select a plan and pay their …
costs, coverage, gmos, mental health and substance abuse treatment, policy, public health
Deadline for Health Connector members to select a plan & pay premium is December 31, 2013
Our office received this information that the Health Connector has extended the deadline for picking a plan and making a premium payment for coverage starting in January 2014 to Tuesday, December 31, 2013. _______________________________________________________________ We are writing to update you to adjusted deadlines for Health Connector members to select a plan and pay their premiums, for coverage …
H989, An Act relative to Lyme disease treatment coverage
Senator Brownsberger submitted the following written testimony to the Joint Committee on Financial Services. TO: Committee on Financial Services FROM: Senator William N. Brownsberger RE: H989, An Act relative to Lyme disease treatment coverage DATE: November 13, 2013 I am writing in support of H989, An Act relative to Lyme disease treatment coverage. Lyme disease …
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Implementation of the Affordable Care Act in Massachusetts
The health insurance exchanges under the Affordable Care Act opened for enrollment on October 1, 2013. The Massachusetts Health Connector held a briefing on Monday for legislative offices to provide information that constituents might find helpful- particularly for those individuals already enrolled in health insurance through the state. Here are some important things to bear in …
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An Act modernizing tobacco control and protecting the health of minors
Senator Brownsberger submitted the following written testimony to the Joint Committee on Public Health. TO: Committee on Public Health FROM: Senator William N. Brownsberger RE: H3639, An Act modernizing tobacco control and protecting the health of minors DATE: October 1, 2013 I am writing in support of H3639, an Act modernizing tobacco control and protecting …
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Your comment about delaying implementation of the Affordable Care Act 1 year
I strongly disagree with your willingness to use this as a bargaining chip to avoid the default. What was unclear from the article in the Citizen was if you meant delaying the mandate and fine or delaying the whole bill (some of which has already been implemented). The exchanges are due to open in a …
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