Updating the Bottle Bill

Will, When the current Massachusetts nickle Bottle Bill was enacted into law in 1982 the smallest bottled water container was probably one gallon.  Today our playgrounds, parks, and roadways are littered with pint-size water bottles and 1982’s nickle is probably worth a penny or two.   An update of the Bottle Bill is long overdue.  …

Why are Belmont residents ineligible for some Mass Save programs?

Will, I recently moved to Belmont and had an energy audit done through the Mass Save program. The auditor told me that because I live in Belmont I was not eligible for several Mass Save programs, including free efficient light bulbs and no-interest loans for energy improvements. Can you explain why Belmont residents are excluded …

Biomass Regulations

Is Governor Patrick reversing his progressive position on “trees to energy?”   An August 31 Boston Phoenix article (http://thephoenix.com/Boston/news/126080-devals-green-blues) says he is.   The independent Manomet Report (www.manomet.org/node/322) was unequivocal in its conclusion that large scale forest biomass energy production is not a “carbon neutral energy source.”  The only woody biomass, aka trees that should be burned …