Climate Change and how it will affect Boston

Today’s New York Times Magazine focuses on climate change and it’s potential impact on coastal communities. We now have a president who calls climate change a hoax. I’m seriously concerned that government in general is largely in denial about the very real consequences that we will soon be facing. I live in Back Bay and …

Letter to Ways & Means Chairs re Mystic River Master Plan

Senator Brownsberger was one of the co-signers of a letter to the Chairs of Senate and House Ways & Means re funding for implementation of a Mystic River Master Plan. March 3, 2014   The Honorable Stephen M. Brewer, Chairman Senate Committee on Ways and Means State House, Room 212 Boston, MA 02133   The …

A-B-C Stormwater Flooding Board bill becomes law

S1857, An Act extending the Environmental Joint Powers Agreement that created the A-B-C Stormwater Flooding Board, originally filed in January by Senator Brownsberger asS343, was signed into law this morning by Governor Patrick. The new law authorizes a procedure to retroactively extend the environmental joint powers agreement, authorized in 2005, that created the Arlington-Belmont-Cambridge Stormwater Flooding Board. …