Two generations of heat pumps will be on the market in 2025; consumers would be well-advised to make sure that they install the latest generation.
Carbon and Climate
building energy, divestment, emissions data, personal footprint, preparing for climate change, reducing emissions in ma, science and goals
Summary of Climate Bill
I was very pleased to support the negotiated package which bridged very different initial approaches by the House and Senate.
Senate energy bill passed
Today the Massachusetts Senate passed comprehensive climate legislation.
Heat pump provisions in the energy bill
The energy bill includes one statutory change relative to heat pumps that is critical to preserve availability of heat pumps in Massachusetts.
Gas Provisions in the Energy Bill
This post identifies the provisions of S.2829, the senate draft energy bill, that speak to the future of natural gas in the Commonwealth. I am prepared to vote for these provisions as written.
Toxicology of Heat Pump Refrigerants
The HFCs in heat pumps appear to be pose no danger to people even when they leak.