Our bill to reduce abuse of non-competition agreements is still alive in this session. The Globe just ran an op-ed from me and cosponsor Lori Ehrlich about the issue. [See the full post at: Non-compete legislation — update]
Non-competition Agreements
Non-compete legislation — update
Our bill to reduce abuse of non-competition agreements is still alive in this session. The Globe just ran an op-ed from me and cosponsor Lori Ehrlich about the issue.
Way cool local company!
Nothing looks more like magic than the technology I saw on display in Watertown on Friday.
MA Law unfair to Independent Contractors – needs to be changed
Hi Will – as an intellectual Property worker (software engineer/designer) married to a consulting artist (Powerpoint/photoshop specialist) I’d like to call to your attention the following article and urge you to support reform of this well-meaning-but-misguided piece of legislation. I’m guessing that a fair amount of your constituents fall into the “independent consultant” definition — this potentially …
Continue reading “MA Law unfair to Independent Contractors – needs to be changed”
Noncompete reform in 2011-2112?
Will, can you tell us about your plans for the noncompete reform bill in the upcoming legislative session? Thanks. Happy New Year to all!
Reform noncompete contracts (Resources)
News A noncompete reform bill for the 2011-2012 legislative session has been filed by Rep.s Ehrlich, Brownsberger, Peisch, and others as House Bill 2293 (http://www.malegislature.gov/Bills/187/House/H02293). The legislators welcome comments on the bill, as it can be revised before filing (and at several points after filing). If you have any questions, comments, or feedback, please contact …