While Mass. has been more responsible than the poster children of state irresponsibility Michael Gerson’s column is worth noting. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/11/11/AR2010111106084.html?wpisrc=nl_pmopinions
Sales tax on alcohol – other taxes, and other consumer savings
There’s been a bit of press about the drive to repeal the sales tax on alcohol. Personally, I’m not crazy about paying an extra $1.25 on a case of Harpoon IPA. I have some questions (which I can’t find answers to on the state web site) and a suggestion. Questions: What other taxes are there …
Continue reading “Sales tax on alcohol – other taxes, and other consumer savings”
Transparency Improvements Passed
In April, the House, with leadership support, passed two big steps in the right direction on financial transparency. The Senate, during budget debate, approved roughly the same measures, making their final passage highly likely.
Overlay Reserve Account Issue
I would support this law change if it were subject to a vote of the people consistent with the spirit of Proposition 2.5. As written right now, there is no such provision for a local electoral vote and I expect to vote against the change. I will make my final decision after listening to debate on the floor.
Dazzled by the stars
Last week, I voted with a surprisingly small minority to curtail the state’s film tax credit, which was expanded under the leadership of former speaker Sal DiMasi. Mike Widmer, the President of the Massachusetts Taxpayer Foundation, has stated that “All the evidence shows that it is a very costly tax credit with minimal economic impact, …
Trip to NH
While on a trip to NH to look for a “new address” I stopped at BJ’s Wholesale in Nashua. I actually had a hard time finding a NH license plate! 8 out of 10 were MA Plates doing there shopping in tax free NH! Nashua was PACKED! all those people with jobs catering to MA …