Understanding the Governor’s Budget Presentation

The Patrick Administration deserves great credit for its efforts to make its budget as transparent as possible.  Nonetheless, a 46 billion dollar spending program is intrinsically complex, so here are answers to a few questions that I found myself asking as I worked through the presentation. How big is the budget? The financial statement section shows proposed …

Info Links

State budget basics What entities comprise the Commonwealth of Massachusetts? What entities and activities does the legislature budget for annually? What are the major sources of revenue that support budgeted expenditures? What are the major objects of budgeted expenditures? How have the major categories of state spending grown over time? School Building Authority Process State …

State employee payroll totals

The spreadsheet below compares census data on state payroll as of March 2008 with March 2000, responding to comments on this post. Most areas other than higher education, which is not funded primarily on the state budget, show cuts. The increase in higher education more than accounts for the growth in state employment — without …