The House and Senate have reached an agreement to regulate and tax short term rentals, like AirBnB.
budget and local aid updates, community preservation act, financial outlook, local aid policy, priorities/requests, resources, revenue, taxes
Senator Browsberger Budget Outcomes
Senator Brownsberger filed several amendments to the FY19 Budget.
Fair share income tax proposal off the ballot
Today the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court handed down a decision that blocks the proposed surtax on incomes over $1 million.
Senate Passes Fiscal Year 2019 Budget
Official Press Release on the FY19 Budget from the Office of the Senate President
Movement on School Funding
Two actions this week signal legislative commitment to improving education funding.
FY19 Chapter 90 Distribution
Today the Senate will take up a Chapter 90 authorization bill. Chapter 90 funds are the primary source of funding that the Commonwealth provides to cities and towns for road maintenance and repair. Last year the state authorized $200 million of Chapter 90 funding. Chapter 90 funds are appropriated to all cities and towns determined …