New Revenue for Education

There is an active email and call campaign going on in support of the Governor’s revenue package and also a related bill (from “the Campaign for our Communities”) that would also increase the income tax rate. A sample email appears further below. I am personally willing to support any package that will yield funding for …

How will we feel the federal budget sequester?

The federal budget sequestration will strain some visible federal programs — Head Start, air traffic control. It will hurt the poor. But what will the federal budget sequestration do to state and local government budgets? There are enough moving parts that the answer is not clear, but it appears that, overall, most state and local …

How will the federal budget sequester affect state and local government budgets?

The federal budget sequestration will strain some visible federal programs — Head Start, air traffic control.  But what will the federal budget sequestration do to state and local government budgets? There are enough moving parts that the answer is not clear, but it appears that, overall, most state and local governments will feel relatively limited …

Education Aid in the Governor’s Budget

The Governor, in his fiscal 2014 budget, has proposed to finally complete the education aid reform initiated in 2006. This is extremely good news for Watertown — Watertown had, for years, been badly short-changed by the failure to fully implement the 2006 reforms. Belmont also benefits, although more modestly, from the reform.The Governor uses a …