Film Tax Credit

In conjunction with his budget, Governor Baker proposed the elimination of the Film Tax Credit. On this issue, I agree with the Governor. While I am basically eager to encourage every job-creating industry in Massachusetts, the film tax credit is just too generous to one particular industry — no other industry receives a subsidy as deep as that offered by the film tax credit.

FY16 Budget Priorities Letter to Senate Ways and Means

Today, Senator Brownsberger submitted this letter to the Chair of the Senate Ways and Means Committee outlining his budget priorities for Fiscal Year 2016. He lists many items of importance, but his top priorities are increased Chapter 70 (education) funding; full funding for the Special Education Circuit Breaker Fund; full funding for the Department of Conservation and Recreation; substantial fund increases for the Massachusetts Legal Assistance Corporation; full funding of Charter School Reimbursements to local school districts; and full funding of Kindergarten Development Grants.

traffic calming

My daughter goes to school over at the Obryant School and I am constantly astounded by how horrible the traffic patterns are in that area, which makes visiting the area for a school night or meeting not really inviting. Also, I’m not sure how I feel about later night closings for bars (or potential later closings) for bars.