Strom drain work in Cushing Square has been congesting traffic. That is the work that has been congesting traffic and disrupting bus service lately. It should get better as the work moves beyond the center of the intersection in Cushing Square.
Author Archives: Will Brownsberger
Core Transportation Capacity Study Approved
I have been working for a couple of years to put some planning structure around the various large transportation projects in the Boston end of my district. Among other things that have become clear to me, there is huge unmet demand for public transportation across my district
The Olympics: What Now?
Here’s the most important thing to know right now: the process is just getting started.
A good news item on plane noise
Starting on January 16, most communities will experience a reduction in plane traffic late at night. This is the result of the reinstatement of a noise abatement procedure that had been suspended since June. Many of us were unaware of the suspension of the procedure, so this good news is unanticipated.
Parcel 13
Parcel 13 is one of a series of parcels in Boston above and along the Massachusetts Turnpike that have been targeted for air-rights development. This post offers some background and offers a draft statement that I will, after receiving comments, revise and submit to MassDOT.
The Economic/Financial Outlook
Incoming Senate President Stan Rosenberg recently organized a briefing for Senators on the state’s economic and fiscal outlook. The presentations (which are attached below with permission of the authors and Senator Rosenberg) were sobering.