The Governor just signed into law our major energy bill for this session. It’s significant legislation, and a hard fought compromise among competing interests within the energy industry. But we’ll need to do much more if we are to achieve our carbon reduction goals and that will remain a central concern of mine.
Author Archives: Will Brownsberger
Shared Parenting
Shared parenting makes sense, but there is no consensus on whether our divorce law needs to be changed.
Lower speed limits?
Language that has passed both branches will give local authorities new flexibility to set lower limits.
Outcome on the Energy Bill
It’s a very solid bill, although we couldn’t do everything that people urged us to do.
FY17 Budget Settled
It’s a tight budget and we’ll have to watch closely to see whether its assumptions hold up.
Senate Bill on regulating Uber, Lyft, etc.
I fully support the Senate’s carefully vetted bill on transportation network companies. It will protect public safety without creating barriers to the expansion of TNCs.