Proposed zoning reforms make sense environmentally, economically and morally. They would move Massachusetts modestly towards a more regional planning approach common in other states and are fair fiscally.
Author Archives: Will Brownsberger
FY2017 Budget
Lots of hard work done; lots left to do to get to end of job on the budget. The Senate process is complete. The House-Senate conference process begins shortly.
Zoning reforms under discussion
Our state-wide zoning framework has not been overhauled since the early 1970s. People on all sides naturally view any changes in the rules with great suspicion. I do intend to support the comprehensive zoning reform package coming before the Senate — we need more housing. But I welcome all questions and comments — the details of the bill are still in flux.
Bowker Overpass — Project Status
The construction will be noisy in June, but should wrap up by the fall. We are turning our attention to firming up park improvement plans.
Beacon Street Speeding
Beacon Street is effectively designed as a speedway: only through engineering changes can we actually reduce speed. The Boston Transportation Department will be holding a meeting on June 1st at 6:00pm in the Commonwealth Salon of the Boston Public Library to discuss redesigning Beacon Street in the Back Bay to improve safety.
Trapelo/Common Intersection Changes
After a lot of debate, a new approach has emerged which should be clear for drivers and is actually more efficient than any of the previously attempted configurations. It will go into effect on May 31.