Constituents in Belmont and Watertown have been concerned about increased Logan overflights over the past couple of years. I’ve given this issue a lot of attention, but ultimately, it is a federal issue. The FAA and MassPort have entered into an agreement to look at approaches to noise reduction, and the eventual progress may be meaningful.
Author Archives: Will Brownsberger
More on Question Two
Many people were kind enough to weigh-in with feedback on the piece on Question Two that I ran last week and I thought I should follow up with some additional information. I support some charter expansion, but I do believe that Question Two goes too far.
No on Question Two
On school issues, I listen very closely to the feelings of parents. I get mixed signals from parents about charter schools, but I do come down against Question Two, which would lift the cap on charter schools, because it goes too far.
2015-2016: Legislative Session Wrapup
It’s a good time to review highlights of the 2015-2016 legislative session, especially MBTA reform, transgender rights, and criminal justice reform–an area where, as Senate Chair of the Judiciary, I hope to accomplish a great deal more in future years.
The Minuteman Referendum
The School Committee for the Minuteman Regional Vocational School has scheduled a special election on a proposed new school building. I will vote no as one Belmont voter — the Minuteman model is broken.
Thursday after Labor Day — An Election Day?
Thursday, September 8, the Thursday after Labor Day, is the date of the state primary election this year. Given that most people expect to vote on Tuesdays, a great many will miss this chance to exercise their rights. Why the odd schedule–and what would the alternatives be?