As the Trump administration puts people in place, federal agencies are changing in predictable ways.
Author Archives: Will Brownsberger
Making buses move through traffic faster
The MBTA has working for several years on “transit signal priority”, which utilizes GPS technology to help buses and surface light rail improve reliability and reduce delays. Now that the system is being tested, I’m hopeful that its rollout can include crowded bus routes in my district, particularly the 71 (Watertown) and 73 (Waverley) buses.
Senate Health Care Reform 2017
Last night, the state senate struggled through a complex package of health care cost-control measures. The challenge is to see through the legalese to the underlying choices. Here is an overview of the legislation, which now moves to the House.
Section by Section Analysis of An Act relative to criminal justice reform
This post offers a searchable section-by-section analysis of an An Act relative to criminal justice reform.
Globe: A Mass. model for national criminal justice reform
Globe: “The state Senate passed a sweeping criminal justice reform package last week that could be a national model for preserving public safety while curbing some of the excesses of an overly punitive system.”
Traffic Ahead
Developers tend to focus only on the nearby traffic consequences of their own project and to portray the consequences as manageable through local road improvements. In fact, the rising congestion that we are experiencing is the cumulative result of development all across the region.