Most feedback to me has been overwhelmingly supportive of the gas tax — simple, fairer than high tolls, environmentally sound, definitely needed, a broad-based mechanism to fund a broadly-used commonwealth asset.
Author Archives: Will Brownsberger
Gas tax increase
A conversation is developing about the gas tax and also about how to protect low and middle-income tax payers from additional financial stress.
Recent Jim Hansen testimony — higher risks?
NASA scientest Jim Hansen argues that the concensus estimates of the rate and risks of global warming are understated.
Alewife traffic issues
A quick update on Alewife traffic issues. Some progress has been made that merits report.
Question two — marijuana decriminalization
Question Two on the November ballot purports to enact a “Sensible State Marijuana Policy.” So packaged, the proposal is likely to pass.
Drug Policy Recommendations
I believe that there are three major reforms that we need to pursue in Massachusetts drug policy: (1) moderation of our sentencing policies; (2) improvement of substance abuse treatment quality; (3) expansion of screening and brief intervention.