The slow pace is the most commonly shared concern about our building electrification strategy. We are not doing heat pump conversions nearly fast enough to hit our climate goals and it is not obvious that we can sufficiently accelerate the process.
Author Archives: Will Brownsberger
Second Order Benefits and Costs of Electrification
It may be acceptable to ignore second order costs and benefits associated with heat pump conversions.
Customer behavior with heat pumps
Customer choices are both consequential and especially hard to predict in the context of partial heat pump conversions.
Portfolio Performance
This post speaks to a mathematical refinement in evaluating the performance of a portfolio of heat pumps — the difference between portfolio SCOP and the average of individual SCOPs across a portfolio — a refinement that may or may not be important in the real world.
Heat Pump Installation Costs
There is little data on current heat pump installation costs, but it seems clear that costs have risen substantially.
Natural gas leaks in the heat pump analysis
Adjustments for natural gas leaks modestly inflate both the cost and benefits of heat pump conversions.