In this legislative session in Massachusets, we are not expecting much new legislative progress on energy issues, but at the federal level legislation is front and center. Congressman Ed Markey and Energy Secretary Chu seem to be leading us in a good direction.
Author Archives: Will Brownsberger
More state administrative consolidation — the Sheriffs
One of the sleeper stories in this year’s season of reform is the consolidation of the remaining seven independent Sheriff’s into the state budget. The main cost benefit of this change is that the employees of the sheriffs will purchase their health insurance through the Group Insurance Commission now as state employees.
Final Action on 2010 Budget
Over the last two days, the legislature has taken final action on the budget for Fiscal 2010.
The Zoo!
A number of folks have in touch with me about saving the zoo from the Governor’s veto pen. I am supportive of doing that in principle.
Hearings on MBTA Service Reductions or Fare Increases
The T is now starting a conversation about choices between fair increases and service reductions. See local details and hearing schedules here.
Non-compete draft language
Representative Ehrlich agreement and I have reached agreement on a draft that we both feel currently feel comfortable with. We look forward to further vetting and input. Formal hearings will occur in the Fall.