While I voted against the gambling bill, I think that we got a number of other good things done in this session. The biggest may be the redistricting plan which has been widely praised for the increase it creates in the number of districts from which minority candidates may potentially be elected.
Author Archives: Will Brownsberger
One Tough Vote
I took a tough vote last night that many might, at first glance, disagree with. I write to explain my vote.
A productive day at the state house
The day before the final day of the 2011 session the House completed work on a number of good bills:
Cambridge Redistricting Issue
I’d appreciate input on a Cambridge redistricting issue that has arisen.
Redisricting Maps are Out
The Special Joint Committee on Redistricting Committee has released its draft maps for comment. The legislature’s redistricting webpage now includes the proposed new maps.
Transparency and Hacking Incident
In the spirit of transparency which I believe is the foundation of trust in government, I wanted to report to you about a hacking incident affecting my websites (among many others at my web hosting company, InMotion Hosting).