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Author Archives: Will Brownsberger
Transportation Needs Survey
MassDOT is looking for input on transportation investment priorities.
Economic Assumptions in the FY13 Budget
The consensus revenue estimate underlying the budget appears slightly optimistic and is more uncertain than in some years.
The Big Picture on the Crime Bill
The House and Senate are still conferencing their conflicting versions of a crime bill for this session. The Senate version of the bill included a number of positive elements that merit study.
Bike Across America: Talk in Belmont on Saturday, April 14
Last August, I rode a bicycle across the country from Belmont to Anacortes, Washington on the Pacific Coast. It was a big experience and I’ll be talking about it on Saturday, April 14 from 3-5PM at the First Church in Belmont, 404 Concord Avenue.
Senate President Speaks to Chamber of Commerce
Senate President Therese Murray addressed the Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce and laid out elements of the Senate’s approach to economic growth, sounding familiar themes, but also starting a conversation about work force training.