I’m still answering a lot of emails about the MBTA. Here’s an example and my reply.
Author Archives: Will Brownsberger
Recent schedule adjustments to the 74, 75 and 78
We’ve been in touch with the MBTA about frequency reductions that constituents have reported to us on these routes. This is the written response that we have received as to the 78 and we received verbally similar explanations regarding the 74 and the 75. Thank you for letting me know about your concerns with recent …
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Comment Letter Submitted to the MBTA
I’ve transmitted my comment letter to the MBTA and will be following up with continuing communications to oppose service cuts.
Updated thoughts about the MBTA
My views about the MBTA’s proposed service cuts and fare increases have been evolving. I now oppose all service cuts whether or not they affect my district.
Overturn Citizens United?
I’m looking for input on Senate Resolution 772 which would respond to the Citizens United case which removed limits on corporate spending to influence elections.
Thousand Home Challenge
In 2010, we did a deep energy retrofit on our home in Belmont. We tracked energy use in 2011 and found that we were 85% below the New England per person average. In so doing, we helped meet the “Thousand Home Challenge.” Check out the Thousand Home Challenge website and read about the challenge and …