Senate Passes Protections for Victims of Domestic Violence

Below please find the official Senate press release dated October 24 pertaining to legislation the Senate passed unanimously last week. ======================= BOSTON – The Senate on Thursday unanimously passed legislation to strengthen penalties for strangulation, enhance protections for victims of domestic violence and establish new employment rights that will help victims keep their jobs and …

Senate Passes Bill to Regulate Compounding Pharmacies

Below find the official Senate press release regarding improved regulation for compounding pharmacies.  I feel that the legislation will add important protections in an area of previously under-regulated activity. =========== BOSTON – To ensure patient safety, the Senate on Wednesday passed legislation by a vote of 38-0 to increase regulatory oversight of compounding pharmacies in …

The Software Tax has been Repealed

As previously promised, both branches have now voted to repeal the software tax. It will shortly be laid upon the Governor’s desk and signed. The repeal is fully retroactive: If people have collected it from customers, they should return it. If they have remitted payments to the Department of Revenue, they can apply for the …

Software Tax will be Repealed

Legislative leaders announced today that they support the repeal of the software tax. The Governor made the same announcement yesterday. I am relieved by this announcement — it means a mistake will be fixed and we will avoid much future controversy. I had become convinced last month that the tax (a) was simply not computable …

ABC Stormwater Flooding Board

The State Senate today approved legislation extending the existence of the Arlington Belmont Cambridge Stormwater Flooding Board. Action will now be required by the House on the legislation. The Board grew out of informal conversations convened over 10 years ago between the three communities to remedy shared flooding problems. The board funds an online flood …

Belmont-Trapelo Corridor Project to Start Soon

An official announcement will be forthcoming, but here is a partial update to cover questions that I have been receiving about the status of the Belmont-Trapelo Corridor project. This project is a Cambridge-to-Waltham reconstruction of the Belmont Street and Trapelo Road corridor. Belmont, Watertown and neighboring communities will benefit greatly from this project. It represents …