MBTA Provides Educational Tools and Training on Accessible Services

If you or someone you know has accessible service needs as an MBTA customer, you may want to visit this link to  Tools for Accessible Travel on the T at the MBTA website. You will find: T Access Guide for Persons with Disabilities and Seniors MBTA System Orientation Training T Access Guide Brochure Note: MBTA customers who …

Summer Events in Boston

Mayor Menino’s Office shared these highlights of summer events that are happening throughout the City: Boston Harborfest: July 2 – 7. Harborfest is a Fourth of July Festival that showcases the colonial and maritime heritage of the cradle of the American Revolution: the historic City of Boston. Over 200 Daily Events during the Festival are concentrated in Boston’s historic downtown and …

Senate, House Announce New Website Features and Improvements

It’s now easier than ever to follow Massachusetts legislation that interests you. The Legislature’s public website has new functionality that enables individuals to create a personalized homepage accessed with a user ID and password. Below is the press release issued by the Senate President Therese Murray and House Speaker Robert A. DeLeo announcing this enhancement. As always, please feel free to …

Watch the MA Senate Budget Debate Live and Follow Budget Amendments

The Senate will go into its second day of debate on the Fiscal Year 2014 budget on May 23. You can watch the debate live here provided by Senate Broadcast Services on the MA Legislative website.   You can also follow the progress of the budget amendments at the Senate Budget Website. Roll call results can …

Window Safety Reminder for the Warmer Months; Un Aviso: Seguridad Para Ventanas

 See the full-sized poster. Mira el poster de tamaño natural. This information is also provided in Spanish below./Esta información también se proporciona abajo. Warmer weather is approaching and with it a greater risk of injury to children due to falls from windows. The Boston Public Health Commission’s Injury Prevention Program has a Kids Can’t Fly campaign …

Watertown Community Foundation Supports “Watertown Strong” Neighborhood Gatherings

Senator Brownsberger’s office is pleased to share this announcement from the Watertown Community Foundation urging residents to engage in neighborhood gatherings to share experiences and feelings about the Boston Marathon bombings and subsequent events. Foundation Supports “Watertown Strong” Neighborhood Gatherings In the wake of the Boston Marathon bombings and subsequent actions by the Watertown Police …