Reporting of babies exposed to controlled substances

The lead article in the June 19th Boston Globe highlights that “drug-addicted babies in Mass. are triple the national rate,” and details the need for adequate reporting of drug-exposed newborns to inform health care policy, as well as prevention and treatment programs. This is an issue that Senator Brownsberger is acting on. On May 13th …

Senate Passes Bill to Extend Statute of Limitations for Child Sexual Abuse

The Senate on Thursday passed a bill to extend the statute of limitations in civil child sex abuse cases. announced.

“The changes in this bill are essential for protecting the victims of sexual abuse and holding the perpetrators accountable for their actions,” Senate President Therese Murray (D-Plymouth) said. “Often, it takes time for victims to truly come to terms with their abuse, especially if the incident happened when they were children, and we should extend the window of opportunity that allows them to call for justice.”

Help residents of Marlboro St. fire

On Wednesday, May 21 a fire destroyed a three-family home in Belmont. As a result, nine people have been displaced and all of their property has been lost. Several concerned citizens, part of the Belmont Corner Neighborhood Association (BCNA), have rallied together to establish a fund to provide immediate financial assistance to these victims. The …