Some Democratic senators oppose Baker’s early retirement plan

Senator Brownsberger was one of six senator interviewed by The Boston Globe regarding their concerns with Governor Baker’s Early Retirement Incentive Program. The Globe reports, “The senators, who range from conservative to liberal, said the pension-sweetening bill is fiscally irresponsible — creating additional pension costs for the state in future years — and they worry the plan could gut some state agencies to the point of hurting services.”

Senators Brownsberger & Forry appear on BNN News about Metro Boston Tour

With the Metro Boston Commonwealth Conversations tour just around the corner on Wednesday, March 4, Senator Brownsberger and Senator Linda Dorcena Forry (D-Dorchester) appeared on Boston Neighborhood Network News (BNN) to talk about the tour and to encourage folks to come out to the public events at Brighton High School at 9:00 a.m. and the town hall forum at Roxbury Community College at 6:30 p.m. This is an opportunity for you to be heard by a group of Senators on your concerns and ideas as they build an agenda for this new legislative session.