The Massachusetts Department of Transportation has prepared the following summary of the project status on Trapelo Road. This report, prepared promptly in response to my recent inquiry, does indicate some delays versus the original schedule.
The original goal was to get full paving buttoned up from Waltham to near Cushing Square in this season. Now the intention is “to have the intermediate paving done to the intersection of Beech” Street in this season.
Part of the reason for the delay has been underground conflicts among planned drainage structures and traffic signal foundations and existing underground utilities. This is something that cannot be fully anticipated in advance given the age of the road and lack of entirely accurate drawings — the contractor has dug “over 100” test pits and found multiple conflicts that have required plan revisions.
I do believe that MassDOT is working hard to keep things as close to the original schedule as possible and I’ll continue to follow their efforts and report periodically.
The full text of the statement from MassDOT engineers appears below.
Release Date July 11, 2014
Municipality Belmont/Watertown
Project Roadway Reconstruction and Related Work (Including Traffic Signals) on Sections of Trapelo Road and Belmont Street
Status 17% complete
Cost $17,122,027.30
Description – The project consists of pavement micromilling, pavement overlays, full depth reconstruction, minor roadway widening, roadway drainage, sidewalk construction, water adjustments, wall construction, removing and installing MBTA catenary poles, construction of traffic signals and the installation of signs, pavement markings and incidental work along the Trapelo Road/Belmont Street corridor in the Towns of Belmont and Watertown. Newport Construction Corporation of Nashua New Hampshire is constructing the project.
Current Project Status – To date the stone walls near Mill St. have been constructed as well as the roadway widening in that area. New traffic islands are being constructed at Mill St. to accommodate the new traffic signals which should be installed within the next few months.
Granite curb and sidewalk has been installed from Mill St. to Pleasant St. and is presently continuing easterly.
The Municipal parking lot has been repaved, striped and reopened for parking. The sidewalks in the Waverly Square area are nearing completion. And the new bus shelter is ready to be installed.
Ongoing Operations – Curb and sidewalk work will continue from Waverly Sq. East toward Beech St. All drainage improvements have been installed through Beech St. to Wellington Brook and will continue from Palfrey Sq. through Cushing Sq.
Permanent trench patching is currently taking place to be followed by the first section of micro milling and repaving the roadway with the intermediate course which will include Mill St. to Lexington St., including Lexington and Church St.
Future Work this Season – Work will continue to progress easterly to the end of the construction season with the intention to have the intermediate paving done to the intersection of Beech St. by that time.
If possible Drainage improvements will continue through the winter months.
Schedule – The total spending to date has been over $2.5 million and we are 17% complete as of June 30, 2014.
The project is not without its issues. The contractor has excavated over 100 test pits to locate existing underground utilities and identify any potential conflicts with the proposed underground work. Multiple conflicts affecting the installation of drainage structures and traffic signal foundations were identified, which in turn has required the Design Consultant (BSC) to revise the plans to avoid the conflicts if possible. If these revisions were not made to the drainage and traffic signal plans, the project would suffer more extensive delays while waiting for the respective utility companies to relocate their infrastructure.
The contractor is approximately 12 % behind schedule due to these utility issues and it is too early to assess the schedule impacts but MassDOT and the contractor are exploring all options to expedite the project and get back on schedule.
Note: Additional project information and history can be found by visiting MassDOT’s website at: and clicking on the Projects tab, then selecting “Current Road and Bridge Projects” and after entering the Town of Belmont or Watertown, select Project No. 604688.
Progress Photos
New sidewalk along Church St. with colored concrete and new scoring pattern.
New sidewalk and stone wall along Belmont Housing Authority near Mill St./Trapelo Rd.
Can someone please explain to the neophyte reader what’s meant by “intermediate paving”?
Asphalt roads usually consist of three paving layers: 1) the surface course that comes in contact with traffic; 2) a base course – also sometimes referred to as the binder course; and 3) a sub-base course. It is not unusual to have a job go to just the “intermediate” or base/binder course in a paving season and wait until after the winter to do the final surface paving. Temperatures will again be warmer and yield a better time for the pavement to adhere and cure. The intermediate course (binder/base) is of a sufficient integrity to withstand traffic.
Thanks for the up-date. I appreciate being informed about the progress.
Whatever happened with the MBTA plan of about 2 yrs ago to eliminate bus stops along route #73 that are too close together? I think that would speed the bus commute a bit. Has that been put on hold for the construction?
John, yes, the stop consolidation is wrapped up with the construction. Agreed — there are way too many stops on the 73. I can sometimes walk past half a dozen while waiting for the bus in the morning. I’ll look at the projected arrival on the app and if it’s more than a few minutes just take a walk to the next.
Will there be trackless trolley service at the end of the project? The buses are much noisier than the trackless trolleys. Also, I have noticed that on the Huron Ave project, there are signs reminding people that the stores are open for business and that there are places to park. I think it would be good to have such sorts of signs to help keep the businesses viable and to let them know they are being supported.
Anne, yes. The project plans include re-installation of the trolley wires and return to the use of trolleys, which have many benefits for us, notably a stable collection of buses and drivers — more route familiarity and less risk of diversion to solve other problems.
I know the project managers have been working with businesses — I know of several particular efforts to optimize construction around the seasonal and special event needs of the businesses along the route. But I will pass the signage suggestion on to the Town engineer — I can see how that might be helpful in some circumstances.
Thanks for the explanation of the different paving layers.
I know I’m in the minority but I’d be ok if they didn’t restore the electric 73 bus. I live immediately on Trapelo Road, about 10 yards from a stop, so think I’ve a lot of data points and I don’t think the current buses are THAT much louder than the electric but I do feel like all the wires required to support the electric system are an eye-sore. Perhaps when they re-hang the wire they will significantly improve the aesthetics beyond how they looked before the project.
The plan is definitely to preserve the trolleys — we do get better service with them and they do produce less local pollution. I’d only want to go to non-trolleys — battery electric better than diesel — would be if someone proposed demonstrably better new service model that required more flexibility in the bus sequencing and routing — express runs, for example. Nothing is on the table like that. Also, the trolley fleet is in reasonable shape, so we’ll most likely continue to use it for many years to come simply for cost reasons.
I live just a couple of houses off of Belmont st and can definitely hear and smell the difference with the diesel buses. The trolleys are a part of the fabric of our neighborhood and it would be a tragedy if we ever lost them. I dream of a day when longer, ‘articulated’ trolleys like the ones used for the silver line whisk us quickly to Harvard in a quiet and environmentally responsible manner!
Yes, the possibility of battery electrics is the best outcome. The real downside of the trolleys is their inflexibility of route — can’t drive around obstacles that may arise.
But, the fact is we have the trolleys and they are functional. We will almost certainly continue to use them for many more years.
Thanks, Will.
As John indicated, I’ve always thought that a problem, not just on the 73, but on other routes, was placing too many stops close together. I realize that no one wants to lost “their” stop. I also have wondered about why a number of 73 stops seem to be just before signaled intersections and whether an adjustment could at least marginally speed up the route.
I agree with Steve, a great deal of time could be saved by moving the stops to the far side of the traffic light, especially at stops like Grove St. and Cushing Sq. where the light cycles are especially long.
I must agree with Mike Menzie on the location of stops at traffic lights.
The MBTA agrees as well. Eric Scheier on their staff has studied the problem and proposed stop consolidations. We’ll try to post some details on this site.
Thank you very much for the update! Note that the captions under the two photos are reversed. Could those be switched to correctly reflect what is in the photo?
Thanks so much, Laurel! Done. Nice catch.
Dear Will,
Thank you for communicating progress on this project. I definitely favor going back to the trolleys, if only for their non-polluting presence, the other being a rather new fleet of cars (that don’t necessitate the use of umbrellas inside :))
Thanks again,
I wonder if anyone knows who to ask about the project info that’s posted on the town website? On this page:
the “100% Design Plans – Complete Set: Part 1” document seems to be corrupted. (“Part 2” works fine).
Certainly not a critical problem but it would be nice to see the Part 1 info if possible….
I’ve sent a note about this to the town engineer. I understand that due to vacations, etc., we may not get a reply until mid-August.
The Town Engineer has fixed these links now!
I wonder if this project will result in an improvement to the traffic light situation at Star Market on Trapelo Rd. My car was hit by another car while I was crossing Trapelo a few years ago. The other car eastbound on Trapelo apparently had a green light at Moraine St. and didn’t see the red light at the supermarket. I’ve seen other cars go sailing through the red. Those two signals are confusing. Also, the buttons for the pedestrian signals have always seemed useless there. You never get a walk signal.
It should — a lot of attention has been given to the redesign of the light sequence in Waverley Square. We’ll have to see how it works!
I’m also hoping that the improvements will reduce or (hopefully) eliminate the “through traffic” cutting through the Star Market parking lot from Trapelo to Pleasant (or vice-versa). I didn’t think that was even legal and have always wondered why it wasn’t enforced….
The design won’t do that, but we’ll have to see how the intersection works after implementation. The cut-through issue may be a conversation to have with the police, more so than the highway design folk.
To follow-up on some of the conversation around the Trapelo / Pleasant intersection, does anyone know if there is a light going in there? I took a look at some of the drawings but not really knowing how to read them properly, I can’t be sure. It seems that there might be a new signal there but yet I would have thought it would have been put up before the paving (so maybe I’m wrong).
Thanks to anyone who may have insight!
Yes. And a crosswalk across Pleasant Street on the Shaw’s side. This was a long crusade by one of the residents of the senior housing at Trapelo and Mill, but, sadly, he passed away before getting a chance to see the light in place!
Further information from Glenn Clancy, Town Engineer for Belmont:
Andrew Bettinelli
Legislative Aide
Office of State Senator William N. Brownsberger
Senator Brownsberger,
I don’t see how the stop consolidation has anything to do with the state of construction. I’m an architect, so i understand delays in construction. I also understand some concessions should be made to make up for the massive delay. If we’re staring at a project that is only 17% complete which is already admittedly behind schedule, with more than likely continued delays due to unforeseen circumstances, why would you wait to streamline service?
As the construction stands, there are normal vehicle delays the along the road which further slows the 73 bus line.
I see no point in waiting. I think given the delay, it would be of great benefit to consolidate the stops now. I understand that a great deal of #73 signage has been removed to facilitate on going construction, but regular riders know where the stops are and it would be, in my opinion, quite an easy task to make the cuts. Publish which of those are to remain and move forward. I might lose my normal stop, but if it saves my morning ride 10-15 minutes, i’m more than happy to walk the extra 2 blocks in the morning. I think you’d find rush hour commuters would commend you on the decision of expediting that. I surely would.
…Secondly, there was a report some time ago about the #73 being among the top 5 busiest/most traveled bus lines in the MBTA system. If that remains true, I can’t for the life of me, understand why they would relegate those much older, severely run down buses (taller, rounded off vehicle with the steps at the front). They are all in terrible condition and produce incredibly uncomfortable rides. Most of all of them i’ve been on have serious issues with their shocks and are incapable of absorbing any sort of punishment, let alone that of what’s being produced currently by the Trapelo project. They are significantly more loud than the newer buses, they accommodate far less passengers than the other buses and the heating/cooling systems are wildly inefficient, if functional at all. Every single older bus on the 73 route is in some median state of disrepair, and I don’t believe any of us should be subject or relegated to be a passenger in the condition that they’re in.
These older buses are frankly, infuriating to ride.
If the 73 line is such a highly traveled line, why would we not be accommodated with sufficient equipment to handle the load the towns people along the route provide?
Ryan J. McDermott
HI Ryan,
The stop consolidation project includes construction of new shelters which is why it has been coupled with the road construction, but your point is well taken and I’ll follow up on it. I completely agree that some stop elimination could happen more quickly.
One thing to bear in mind is that able people tend to see the stop consolidation issue more positively than less able people who have mobility limits. Stop consolidation is something that makes sense but needs to be approached carefully. We’ll put out more on this issue soon.
Regarding the buses themselves, the problems with the bus fleet are all over. Fortunately, we’ve approved tax increases that will fund transportation improvements including over $300 million in new bus acquisitions.
The MBTA took on the issue of stop consolidation on the 73 two years ago as part of the key bus routes initiative. The various route 73 improvements include stop removals, consolidation, shelters, benches and ADA compliance. There was a well attended public meeting on the proposed bus stop changes back in Spring 2012. Most of the recommendations of that process are being implemented.
The MBTA uses the following criteria to determine bus stop locations. It is important to note that these criteria are general guidelines, there are no objective criteria that call for the elimination or inclusion of any one particular stop.
The MBTA has a preference to assess the route as a whole when determining which stops to eliminate. Given the recent attention to this route, there is no planned process to eliminate further stops.
Andrew Bettinelli
Legislative Aide
Office of State Senator William N. Brownsberger
Purely cosmetic perhaps, but it’s a shame more thought wasn’t given to “Waverly Trail” when building the new sidewalks through Waverly Square. Instead of the “trail” being a painted line, is it was before, it probably could been easily built into the new sidewalks using bricks or something of the like; similar to the way the Freedom Trail is. I’m assuming that some thought was given to maintaining the trail since I see references in the plans; just not sure how it will implemented. Admittedly, not the most important thing to worry about…..
But a fair point. I’m passing it on the Godfather of the Waverley Trail, Jim Levitt.
To the point of adding shelters at stops, that i can understand and appreciate.
As far as the consolidation goes, it was my understanding that this was already voted on or agreed to happen in some official capacity. I can also appreciate the sensitive nature of selection based on serving those passengers who are less able people with mobility limits. Having said that though, and hoping not to sound insensitive, there are multiple cases where some of these redundant stops are literally 1 block apart. The added delays that these needless stops are causing with the ongoing construction is ridiculous. Many of these street crews aren’t even aware there are bus stops along the sidewalk where they are putting their equipment. My stop was completely blocked by flatbeds, dumpers and back hoes on Tuesday.
Regarding the tax increase/300mil influx; when will we as riders start seeing the benefits of new bus acquisitions?
I don’t mean to come off combative or even redundant to my last post, but as a daily rider on a bus line we’re told is top 5 in the city, these issues are getting nearly enough attention and the attention it does get, is moving far too slowly.
Hi Will,
I noticed that the schedule is no longer posted on the Belmont website. I assume it is because if the delays. Is there a link to am updated schedule?
Not that I know about. What I’m hearing now is that in this season they will stop with sidewalks and basecoat asphalt just short of Cushing Square.
My intention is to pull together a meeting at the end of the construction season to clarify expectations for next year. I’ll publish on it when I have it.
Your point is well taken that we should eliminate stops and we are looking into status of that effort — I agree it doesn’t need to wait. We are working on moving that along.
It will be several years before the bus fleet shows meaningful improvement.
BTW, the volume rank of the Waverley bus is 18. More stats here.
Good Morning,
Why do traffic designers insist on narrowing heavily travelled roadways with lines or expanded sidewalks? West bound on Trapelo Road from Waverly street to Shaws market is only one lane according to the new white line. Didn’t know until I got to Shaws and the road lines opened up to two lanes. That single lane is effected by every left turn onto White Street or the T station.Backing us up with traffic didn’t need any help. There are no alternate routes for us and I can’t ride a bike from Framingham.How do we get that lane back?
Hi Michael,
Right now it is all a mess, and I understand your frustration. When the project is done, I think you’ll be pleased. All the analysis says that that the lane loss between intersections will not slow end-to-end traffic. The congestion is at intersections and we do have extra lanes in most of those. We’ve been running Trapelo as mostly one lane each way for many years now and we’ve learned a lot from it. The final design does remove some tight spots.
Traffic going towards Cambridge from the Waltham line on Trapelo Rd. has been terrible. Now it is downright impossible to go 1/4 mile because Waverly Oaks Rd to Mill St. past White St. is atrocious due to the detour from construction on Beaver St. in Watertown. People cutting others off and the road rage that ensues needs to be addressed. I have an 8 mile commute and it takes an hour. I moved to this location recently for a less stressful commute and I am very disappointed in the turnout. For the sake of the people who live and drive in the community I hope the traffic designers drive through this everyday during rush hours to get a full understanding of the traffic patterns.
Hang in there, Melissa. There is a lot of roadway dug up right now in the area. It is going to get better. I’m not sure I understand exactly the traffic snarl you are referring to though and if you’d like to give me or my office a call and provide additional detail maybe we can bring some attention to the particular problem.
Dear Senator Brownsberger,
I appreciate what you’ve done for the community in improving biking infrastructure.
I’d like to offer a suggestion to create protected bike lanes on Trapelo Road:
Simply switch the parking lane and the bike lane so that the biking lane is closer to the side walk and the parking lane is closer to the traffic. This simple change would make biking on Trapelo Road much more safer and it may not cost anything to implement since the construction is still in progress and this change only requires the change of markings.
Thanks, Bill.
I share your interest in this idea and have pushed at earlier stages of the project. It’s much more than changing markings though — one really has to build in a whole lot of new transitions for the cycle lane. It also won’t be compatible with bumpouts for pedestrian crossings.
I love separated bike lanes and want to see more of them done, but they don’t work everywhere. The sense was that it wouldn’t work here. In any event, it’s definitely too late to change now.
Just to be clear though, there will be street-side bike lanes from end to end in this project, so it will be a big improvement for cyclists.
Now that the sidewalks and grass-seeding are complete in some sections of Trapelo, here is my very simple question: Who is responsible for the upkeep of the newly planted trees and grass? Is this the town? Or the owners of the abutting property?
Generally, the abutting owners is responsible for the upkeep of the “tree lawn”. However, during the construction and immediately after, the contractor bears responsibility. And, as to the trees, the town bears a continuing responsibility. I’ll try to get some clarity as to when the hand off is in this case.
Update — better said by the Town Engineer:
Thanks for the info, Will, I appreciate you looking into it. Now if we can just get the passing cars to stop throwing their coffee cups and losing lottery tickets out their windows, the new aesthetics will look great!!!
Mr. Brownsberger, there are still sections of sidewalk incomplete along Trapelo road. With snow and ice season starting and the construction season ending, are there plans to button these sections up or at least put down a temporary coat of asphalt like other sections have had done?
Three areas that are unfinished that I know of are:
1. Traffic Island in Waverly Square at Trapelo Road and Lexington.
2. Sidewalk along Star Market in Waverly Square.
3. Eastern Corner of Trapelo Road and Slade Street
Waverly Square:
This is the time of year when it gets dodgy to guess where things will end as weather becomes uncertain. Let me see what I can firm up on this.
Update — this from the Town Engineer:
If you check back, I think you’ll see that the are you identify are all in good shape now.
Thank you for the followup Mr. Brownsberger. I did notice the improvements to the sidewalks along Trapelo.
Senator Brownsberger,
Several weeks ago you personally called me to let me know that the sidewalks near Shaw’s Drive (Shaw’s Market)were dealt with by the contractor.
The sidewalk on the side near the crosswalk light was paved so as to allow pedestrians to cross Trapelo Rd and the other side is now flat –covered with an appropriate temporary surface and will be replaced in the spring. Thank you so much for your attention to this matter.
Alice Wadden
Hi Senator Brownsberger ,
After 6 months, I know that the company working on the Trapelo Road Project is not interested in the safety of pedestrians who want to cross Trapelo Road from Shaw’s to reach the area for public transportation and the US Post Office.Both sides of the road leaving Shaw’s are dangerous— some people go straight across Trapelo Road where there is no crosswalk because they are afraid to fall on the other side near Belmont Car Wash– they even cross while the cars coming east have the green light. There could be a terrible pedestrian accident. NEGLIGENCE LIKE THE BIG DIG
Please help.
Alice W
HI Alice,
Give me a call if you have a minute — cell is 617-771-8274 — I’m not completely clear on the problem. I know it’s a mess down there, but I want to make sure I’m focusing on the right part of the mess.
Alice, thank you for calling. I understand that you are emphasizing the stretch of sidewalk numbered 2 in the comment from David S, especially the areas immediately to the left and right of where the Shaw’s driveway comes out on Trapelo, where pedestrians should be able to safely wait and cross. I hope to report back soon on this.
Hi Senator Brownsberger,
Spoke with Barbara Miranda , Chief of Staff and then called you this morning, I just looked at the blog October 11, 2013 and saw this 2.5 mile project would be finished in 2 years– though it looks as though no one has been working on it for some time. The spot is called Shaw’s drive in the blog.Thank you for the attention to this matter and that you will contact the Belmont engineer .
There is lots of work going on every day, just not at that location. The two years is looking more like three though.
Wow a full year behind. That will be tough to deal with especially for commuters. Are there any plans to speed up the work?
Yes, MassDOT has made a big push to find ways to keep things moving as fast as possible. Unfortunately, field conditions have hampered progress.
This is in good shape now. Thanks again for raising the concern.
As we near the end of the construction season, MassDOT Highway Division District 4 provided the following status update for the Trapelo Road project:
Andrew Bettinelli
Legislative Aide
Office of State Senator William N. Brownsberger
Now that the new utility poles are going up, I am alarmed at the size and height which in most cases is towering over structures along Trapelo Rd. Did Belmont have input in the design? It seems to run counter to what is happening in more urban environments like Boston Main Street projects. Any background?
Do you mean the polls for the stop lights? Yes, Belmont was part of all that design. I agree they are kind of big and robust. I take comfort that they will be durable.
True – durable and industrial.
Is there going to be a bike lane or cycle track on Trapelo road?
It seems like they are wasting so much money to build a usless media.
Yes. There will be bicycle lanes from end to end. They just aren’t striped yet. The top layer of pavement has not yet been applied anywhere (even at the Waverley end).
What’s with the islands in the middle of trapelo rd?what are they going to look like with 8 inches of snow on them?
The citizen committee that designed the road — the Traffic Advisory Committee — felt the islands would help define consistent lanes and also protect pedestrians.
When the project is done, there will be clear signage which should prevent incidents with snow. Right now, we are looking at a half-done job.
Did the citizens committee think about fire responses when they created these islands? It is difficult for emergency vehicles to travel in the single lane with the traffic unable to pull over to make way. It would be a shame if a loved one did not get the medical attention they needed in time.
Absolutely. The fire department is always part of every traffic design decision.
I totally agree with you this is a good point to point out my thoughts exactly not only is it treacherous and dangerous it’s an eyesore
Can you tell me when construction will end this season? I take the 73 bus and the commute has become a daily nightmare.
They go as late as they can — usually some time in October or November — depends a little on the weather. They longer they go, the more they get done!
I think the Trapelo Road looks terrible the islands are dangerously treacherous fire engines will not be able to make their moves down the road in an emergency especially in the snow. There has been read pavement poured in the middle of the street which looks very ugly. The people of the town do not like this we Think it’s a very poor on safe design. What’s up with the grass growing in the middle of the islands there’s so much weeds in the grass where did you get that grass it looks horrible again terrible wasted money.
I just want to say I made a couple misprints on my last post. All in all the roads look terrible with the islands in the middle. The red color pavement in the middle of some of the islands looks like rust. Whoever designed this project did not take an account to test the pipes and drainage system before they started doing all this work. It seems to be that the workers will start at one end of the road, then work on the other end, then go down the other end again what’s up with that. I think you should take those silly islands out of the street. There is more weeds growing in the grass in the islands I would say this is a poor Batch of grass seeds cutting cost probably. I don’t think it should cost all this money that it’s costing because you’re wasting time that cost money. Belmont looks like a lousy Cambridge now let’s put it this way Cambridge is nicer looking than Belmont Trapelo Road we call this bleeding the job by starting at one and going to the middle of Trapelo Road going back down the other end I know when I was a kid it didn’t take this long to fix the street we’re not stupid do something right for the people in the town at least fix the grass and take those silly islands out
I have been documenting this whole projects since it started I see a lot of people wasting a lot of time in that waste a lot of money on this project where do you want to believe it or not Senator call me I think this is a big scam people are wasting time on this project to make it last longer so they get more money there’s no need to start at one and of the road and then go back to the other end of the road it doesn’t make any sense. This whole island thing is a big waste of money to it’s very dangerous nobody will see the snow piled up on these islands including the Plows Who are you kidding I speak for all the people in the town just like the design looks horrible weather they folded under not the grass is growing with weeds also the red bricks in the sidewalk look pink now because they faded with the sun lots of cracks in the cement as well. Let’s just say the middle Island that just were added on look horrible because they’ve made it a red pavement please investigate this
At this point, we are just going to have to live in to it and see whether your fears are confirmed.
Just remember this road was designed under the oversight of citizens in a very public process.
I’m hopeful it will work out well when it is all done. Right now, it’s a mess because it’s half done.
The sidewalks at Beech and Trapelo do not appear to be passable by stroller or wheelchair. This is a busy school route and I see families take their strollers and bikes into the street. Right now I realize they are paving but the light equipment does not appear to fit the size of the sidewalk appropriately. Is it possible to find out the status before they finish paving? Thanks!
Lisa, I know it is a mess with construction there right now and Beech Street is tight on the north west corner. Right now there are two signal controller boxes there — old and new. When they get the old one out, it will still be tight but it will be passable.
That’s what I was told but I am not sure it meets guidelines. Very tight! Thanks for keeping an eye one it.
The MassDOT person on site had a tape when I visited. We checked. I understand the rule is 40″ and it is just 40″ of clearance going around the box if you include top of the curb itself.
Hi Senator Brownsberger,
I noticed yesterday that the traffic light was activated for the first time at the corner of Trapelo Road and Pleasant Street. I’d like to know why they replaced a yield sign (for the right turn onto Trapelo), with a traffic light and a no turn on red sign? It seems odd to go from the most lenient traffic sign (yield) to the most strict (no turn on red).
Would it make sense that this is to protect people in the crosswalk?
Was there an issue that prompted complaints? I still don’t understand the justification for a no turn on red sign.
I’ll pass your consternation to the engineers for their review.
Thank you Mr. Brownsberger, I really appreciate that.
I noticed the yield sign has been taken down, and I am wondering what the response was to my question regarding the no turn on red sign.