Progress Report on Watertown Riverfront Park and Braille Trail Project

There is a great project underway on the Watertown Riverfront. DCR sent the progress report below. The original notice including images is attached.

The following are activities you can expect to see over the next two weeks for the Waterfront Riverfront Park and Braille Trail Project:

  • In sensory garden; complete bottoms on mishoon boats, install marimba bench, and install sensory garden benches.
  • Install new base for relocated street light at Irving Street entrance
  • Commence electrical work
  • Install benches on overlook deck
  • Complete picnic tables installation

Construction Work Schedule: Monday-Thursday, 7AM to 6:00PM.

Public Access: The Secondary path along the Charles River is closed for the duration of the construction project.

Pedestrians can use the sidewalk directly adjacent to Charles River Road, and cyclists can use the freshly painted bike lanes
on Charles River Road.

Questions or concerns about the project should be directed during regular business hours to either DCR Resident Engineer Jay Yuan at (617)212-7359, or DCR Project Manager Rick Corsi at (617) 626-1431.

Published by Will Brownsberger

Will Brownsberger is State Senator from the Second Suffolk and Middlesex District.