Watertown Footbridge Closure

Thompson Bridge

Last week our office received several emails regarding the closure of the Corporal Joseph U. Thompson Footbridge in Watertown.  I spoke with the DCR legislative liaison today who explained to me what has been going on.

According to DCR there are expansion joints on the bridge, that are supposed to be covered by metal plates.  DCR operations staff was notified that the covers for these joints were missing.  These joints are designed to absorb temperature induced expansion or contraction of the bridge.  DCR operations closed the bridge immediately, pending a safety inspection.  Engineering visited the bridge and determined it was safe for use.  Temporary covers were placed over the joints and the bridge was supposed to be reopened on Saturday.

Did anyone visit the bridge over the weekend?  Has it been reopened?

Andrew Bettinelli
Office of State Senator William N. Brownsberger

One reply on “Watertown Footbridge Closure”

  1. Yes, the bridge has been reopened–just in time for the herring to run! Thanks for communicating this info on behalf of DCR.

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