Thank You Will, and Welcome Home

We almost lost a talented and dedicated public servant to the wilds of Washington. Although I am personally pleased that Will’s will will continue to be done in the State House, I can also see why moving up the ladder would pay great benefits to all of us.

As we speak, the GOP is relentlessly self-destructing. They are down in all the polls. It’s gotten to the point where Republican politicians are starting to switch parties.* Charlie Crist did just that today, in order to challenge capitalist tool and ALEC darling Rick Scott. Expect more dominoes to fall.

I believe that the 2014 elections will swamp what remains of the GOP House majority. Will must have sensed that too, enough to try hard to be in the crest of that wave of the future. I’m sorry that he won’t get to take that ride, but I am grateful that he’ll still be battling for openness, common sense and community values in our environs.

So thanks for all you’ve done for us, and for all you’ll do going forward, Will.


Published by Geoff Dutton

Belmont resident since 1998. Technical write/editor and essayist.

One reply on “Thank You Will, and Welcome Home”

  1. Geoff, thanks so much for your support!

    Very glad to be State Senator and looking forward to continuing to serve in that role for many years. I learned a lot from my run for Congress and it will make me a better State Senator.

    Thanks again!

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