Apparently the residents of Massachusetts are going to be charged $1 extra per month on their electricity bills for the next two years to subsidize an unprofitable, dirty power plant that isn’t even needed most of the year: Why?
The End of Session Crunch
It has already been a significant legislative session, but the next few weeks have the potential to make it a block buster.
Massachusetts Senate Passes Automatic Voter Registration
Today, the Massachusetts Senate passed H.4671, An Act automatically registering eligible voters and enhancing safeguards against fraud.
Massachusetts Senate Passes Environmental Bond Bill
Today, the Massachusetts Senate passed H.4613, An Act promoting climate change adaptation, environmental and natural resource protection, and investment in recreational assets and opportunity, colloquially known as the ‘environmental bond bill.’
MassDOT to Host Public Meetings on Commonwealth Avenue Bridge Replacement Project
MassDOT will host two public meetings next week on the Commonwealth Avenue Bridge Replacement Project
Too late to get the sales tax holiday out of the Grand Bargain
You were quoted in a recent Globe article about not being in favor of the permanent sales tax holiday included in the grand bargain. Glad to hear you’re maintaining your long-help skepticism/opposition. You also said you wouldn’t let that prevent you from voting for the grand bargain as a whole. Fair enough. Still, if there’s …
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