On July 24, Alexis Ivy read her poetry of homelessness and addiction in the statehouse. Worth listening.
New Participation Policy
Under a new policy, I propose to publish comments only of current and former constituents.
Massachusetts Legislature Passes $2.4 Billion Environmental Bond Bill
The Massachusetts Legislature voted today to pass a $2.4 Billion Environmental Bond Bill focused on improving climate change resiliency and adaptation; enhancing environmental and natural resource protection; and investing in parks and recreational assets.
Wide-ranging bill is meant to spur economic development
The Boston Globe details the economic development bill recently signed by Governor Baker, including reforms related to noncompete agreements.
Legislature Gives Clean Energy a Boost
On the last day of July, in the closing hours of the Legislature’s two-year session, negotiators for the Senate and House hammered out agreement
Massachusetts Legislature Passes Bill to Combat Opioid Crisis
Today, the Massachusetts Legislature passed H.4742, providing an additional set of tools to address the opioid crisis…