This week, the Public Health Council approved regulations authorizing introduction of in-store health-care clinics in Massachusetts.
Independent online learning — recommendations
The Readiness task force should take a strong position in support of self-guided online learning, which is expanding rapidly across the country.
Uplands acquisition update
I am writing to provide an update for those who are concerned about preserving the Silver Maple Forest or Belmont Uplands property. A group met last week with Governor Patrick to discuss the issue.
Alewife traffic issues
A recently released study offers a depressing finding about cut-through traffic in the neighborhoods near Alewife in Arlington, Belmont and Cambridge: The traffic does not flow east and west; it flows from everywhere to everywhere.
Extended learning time
The Massachusetts 2020 foundation released a report today showing that a group of schools experimenting with longer learning days had dramatically improved their MCAS scores.
SBA moves Wellington Forward
The Massachusetts School Building Authority voted to send the Wellington Elementary School and 48 other school proposals around the state to the “feasibility” stage. The Thompson school in Arlington was targeted for additional “planning”.