Hello, Will For the good of us all, elders must be tested for driving skills after age 80. Just imagine the possibility for carnage “down the road” when the huge baby boomer generation hits advanced age. Yikes! Regards,
Thoughts on budget transparency
I have been reading about the idea of having a budget transparency website where citizens can get information easily. Apparently, there are 23 states using this system and wonder what your thoughts are on the pros and cons of this.
Strong pension reform bill to be enacted
The legislature today will enact a strong pension reform that will eliminate rules that give some employees, mostly elected officials, special advantages.
Indictment of Former Speaker Sal DiMasi
Former House Speaker Salvatore F. DiMasi was indicted last week on federal corruption charges. House Democrats, including me, voted overwhelmingly to re-elect DiMasi as speaker in January and he served briefly before resigning later that month. What were we thinking?
FY10 budget line item updates
Table of the actions taken by the House on particular line items that I have been contacted about by constituents. For local aid issues, the Quinn Bill and employee health contributions, please dedicated posts on those issues.
State employee health insurance premiums
Like roughly 80% of Massachusetts workers, public employees receive health insurance as part of their compensation. The issue of how much active employees should contribute to the cost of that insurance has been controversial in every recent budget season. Since the cost of public employee health insurance is just under $1 billion, the employee share …