The legislature balanced the Fiscal 2010 budget primarily through program cuts and cost-savings, with important help from the federal government and with limited reliance on new revenues and rainy day fund usage.
Silver Maple forest Bill
Why is there not more posting about the many events that show efforts to retain the preservation of the silver maple forest by Belmont, Arlington and Cambridge residents. And why do we not hear about the re-filing of the silver maple forest acquisition bill.
Transportation Reform Enacted
Final passage of a landmark transportation reform bill, with a bipartisan vote of 130 to 25 in the House today, signals an end to decades of costly balkanization of our transportation infrastructure. I voted in favor — nothing so controversial and complex can be perfect, but it is a very good bill.
Transportation Reform Enacted
Final passage of a landmark transportation reform bill, with a bipartisan vote of 130 to 25 in the House today, signals an end to decades of costly balkanization of our transportation infrastructure. I voted in favor — nothing so controversial and complex can be perfect, but it is a very good bill.
Pleas to the Budget Conference Committee
I’ve been hearing recently from dozens of people who are concerned about possible cuts in valuable state programs. I’ve also heard from many who are concerned about possible tax increases.
Cuts at the Boston Medical Center
Many have been in touch with me regarding a large cut to state funding for the Boston Medical Center. I have researched this issue and communicated concern to legislators involved in the negotiations (which relate to a supplemental budget, not the FY2010 budget).