This is a question from the former director of public art in Cambridge: might you support state funding for the arts through a one-percent-for-art law, by which one percent of capital funding for a particular building project goes to a site-relevant public art work?
Non-compete draft language
Representative Ehrlich agreement and I have reached agreement on a draft that we both feel currently feel comfortable with. We look forward to further vetting and input. Formal hearings will occur in the Fall.
Healthcare to legal immigrants
The state’s dropping of health care for legal immigrants hit home for me, and I find it completely unjust. My family immigrated here about two decades ago. Although most of us are naturalized by now, and we anyways have private health care, I was horrified by my state’s decision to cut care for legal immigrants …
Problems with the T
So, a driver with a sleep problem causes a wreck in Newton, and that doesn’t motivate the MBTA to install the proper safety technology for the Green Line, and then Aidan Quinn causes another wreck. It strikes me that this failure of safety belongs to Dan Grabauskas, who is in charge of the T.
re: Non compete legislation
In my case, I was/am a sales rep, not a high level mgr. I was recently terminated “without cause” by my employer and even though I was offered a great position with another company I cannot accept the postion as my previous employer has told me they would seek an injunction against me and file …
Banning agreements not to compete
Discussion is heating up in the State House about legislation to ban agreements not to compete. I filed with Senator Pat Jehlen a complete ban on these agreements and Rep. Lori Ehrlich has filed a bill that would limit them.