Tenant/Landlord Issues: Invasions of Privacy

Hi Will, I’m curious to know if there is current legislation in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts in regards to Tenant/Landlord laws.  On several occasions, I have experienced blatant invasion of privacy from my current Landlord. He has entered my apartment without notice, or warning, only to discover that I am present. I understand that a …

Thanks for your stand in favor of Open Meetings laws and the Freedom of Information Act for Beacon Hill

I remember how shocked I was when the cable broadcasts of the House and Senate sessions were dropped, and then I checked into it and found that long before I even moved to Massachusetts, which was in 1983, the legislature had voted to exempt itself from both Open Meetings laws and the Freedom of Information …

Good Move, Will.

Just read this Globe article today.; A growing group of dissidents in the Massachusetts House yesterday called on Speaker Robert A. DeLeo to open the chamber’s books, allow healthy debate on all bills, and subject the Legislature to the laws that cover other elected bodies – including laws on public records, open meetings, and competitive …